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Sudbury Primary School

Online Safety Zone

Parent/Carer Enrolment Link

Click on the link below to create a parent/carer account:


Once you have created your account, you can take part in the short courses below.

You will also have access to the NOS app and all their amazing online safety guides. 

Online Safety for Parents of Children Aged 4 - 7

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 4 to 7 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s interest begins to develop and what initial steps parents should consider around screen time, parental controls and age-appropriate apps.


Online Safety for Parents of Children Aged 7 - 11

This short course provides you with an important insight into how children aged 7 to 11 are typically engaging with the online world. It will highlight the common areas where young children’s consumption habits start to change as they gain more independence and what steps parents should consider around smartphone usage, family controls and starting to build an open dialogue.



YouTube Safety Fact Sheet for Parents

Setting up a device safely for kids

Legendary Learner Pack - Family Activities

Robox Online Safety Guide

Roblox Safety Checklist

External Links

Access these external links by clicking on their logos:

CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.


Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting, online gaming, P2P and other forms of technology like mobile devices.


A guide to Social Networks for Parents. 



Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from  leading experts and organisations.


The London Grid for Learning is a community of schools and local authorities committed to using technology to enhance teaching & learning. They have a breadth of fantastic Online Safety  resources.


A range of great Online Safety resources for parents, by LGfL's DigiSafe.