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Sudbury Primary School

Religious Education

Subject Leader

Ms Rai

Curriculum Purpose

Our curriculum advances children’s knowledge of the world by embracing the rich diversity of our school community to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of modern life.

Curriculum Rationale

At Sudbury Primary School, our RE knowledge advances children’s knowledge of the six major religions of the world as well as Humanism. The majority of our student cohort follow one of these major religions or none. Through RE lessons and experiences (trips, visitors and class assemblies) children are provided with opportunities to become reflective, empathetic and knowledgeable individuals. 

Big Questions have been linked with the relevant area of religion being taught within a year group for a given term. These questions are planned to enable children to develop a deeper understanding of the religious beliefs that they are learning about. These also encourage them to reflect on their own ideas/ beliefs and way of living and how these may be informed by the religion, they follow. 

Religious Education at Sudbury promotes our curriculum drivers- Knowledge of the World, Diversity and Resilience. It helps children to combat prejudice (all Muslim women wear a hijab), appreciate diversity (people of Indian origin are not always Hindus) and promotes the integral values of tolerance and respect (different year groups perform class assemblies related to religious celebrations).

Each class engages in Collective Worship daily for 5-10 minutes. Varied slides are planned for each day by our teaching staff that expose children to the knowledge of the world, values, current events- especially the ones that directly affect our children, offer time for sharing successes and failures in personal, school and community life. It provides pupils with the opportunity to reflect, empathise, explore shared values and express their views and feelings in a secure environment. At Sudbury, Collective Worship focusses on religious and nonreligious backgrounds to assist children’s spiritual development.

Curriculum map

RE Curriculum Overview

Progression map

RE Progression Map 




KS1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zxnygk7

KS2: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z7hs34j

Humanism: https://understandinghumanism.org.uk/what-is-humanism/introduction/

Pilgrimages: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b09w7lc0/pilgrimage

Judaism:  https://jewishmuseum.org.uk/schools/topic/inclusivejudaism/

Nobody Stands Nowhere- Worldview: https://www.theosthinktank.co.uk/comment/2021/05/12/worldviews-film

Places of Worship: https://www.reonline.org.uk/teaching-resources/places-of-worship-voices-from-religion-and-worldviews/

Christianity: https://request.org.uk/resource/?view=resources&cat=3

Espresso Faiths: https://espresso.lgfl.org.uk/primary_uk_sa/sa_item663310_2/subject/module/sub_modules_index/item663310/grade2/index.html

Buddhism: https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/buddhism/beliefs/universe_1.shtml

Voices from Religion and Worldview: https://www.reonline.org.uk/resources/voices-from-religion-and-worldviews/